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Part 1: The Pocket Mentor


We didn't have a mentor when we started building The Upstate Sound. We learned through trial and error. It took a lot of time. That's why we know the importance of having a mentor. To take a little of the guesswork out of it. So we created a Discord Channel for the modern artist, where you can ask our Label Execs any music business question you have!

Part 2: The Artist Biography


It's difficult to write about yourself from the perspective of someone else isn't it? What we did to help with this was develop 20 interview questions that you can then, using our Chat GPT prompt, upload the questions with the answers and have your artist bio written for you from the perspective of a famous interviewer such as Zane Lowe or Nardwuar.

Part 3: Distribution & Collections


This part of The Upstate Sound Academy makes sure all your bases are covered. From our vetted and trusted distribution partner, to every collection organization you need to be signed up with. We did the work for you, so you can focus on the music!

Part 4: Music Marketing Map


When you hire a marketing firm, PR agency, or even if you are pitching to playlists, they will need a ton of info on you and your project. The goal being "target marketing." So the more info you provide, the higher the success rate will be for your marketing campaign. Since we run targeted ads ourselves for our roster, we know the questions to ask, and like an interview, knowing the questions beforehand always helps. 😉

Part 5: The Artist EPK


An EPK, or Electronic Press Kit, is essentially "the pitch" or the packaging when you are reaching out to labels, radio, venues, or any other music business that works with artists. You include your latest release, videos, press, accolades, anything that will make you enticing to a business. Here, we provide you a checklist and design tips that have worked for our artist roster. Now you have access to it!

Part 6: The Content Era


We live in a visual world where Content is King. We don't see this as a bad thing. We see it as another opportunity to express your artistry. Building out the visual aesthetics to the music you make.